1. Weekly or Monthly offering envelopes, can be given during service or be mailed 2. Simply Giving: offering is automatically deducted from your account 3. Donations/Endowments/Memorials can be made to one or more of the following funds: Memorial: worship and music items General: undesignated, can be used for issues that arise, NOT operating budget Scholarship: Christian Education camps, mission trips Building: buildings and campus Genealogy: historical research and preservation of records
For more information about any of these ways to give please email our treasurer at [email protected]
If you would like to use Thrivent's "Simply Giving" please print, complete and mail the pdf below:
If you would like to set up online giving now please sign up below. This platform will draw money directly from your checking or savings account. Please note: Passwords must contain 1 capital letter, be at least 8 characters and contain NO special characters. This is the same account used for our Simply Giving.