Christian Education & Youth: this committee plans and coordinates our Sunday School Program, Vacation Bible School Program, and any youth-centered holiday events.
Endowment: this committee oversees the endowments and memorials gifted to Christ Hamilton. They also develop policies and procedures for utilizing these gifts.
Finance: this committee oversees Christ Hamilton's operating budget, keeps track of member giving and works with our treasurer to plan future budgets.
Genealogy: this committee keeps track and digitizes all of Christ Hamilton's historical church documents. They also do research for anyone looking for genealogical records in and around Hamilton Square.
Hospitality: this committee oversees weekly coffee hour, coordinates in-house congregational meals, assists with the monthly community meal and plans special meals during holidays.
Mutual Ministry: this committee helps to foster healthy communication between the church staff and the congregation.
Pastoral Care: this committee keeps in touch with Christ Hamilton's shut-ins, as well as anyone who has been hospitalized or is recovering from injury. They also send cards and provide meals and rides to appointments when needed.
Personnel: this committee oversees the church staff, conducts reviews and deals with any staff-related issues.
Property: the property committee oversees and maintains Christ Hamilton church, grounds and parsonage.
Social Outreach: this committee provides the congregation with opportunities to volunteer and donate to local non-profits in the area. They also help with the monthly community meal and work with Gluco Lodge Retirement Home.
Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one caring ministry. It is responsible for training new care givers and connecting them to care receivers (those who are struggling with loss, loneliness, divorce etc.) The Ministry is completely confidential.
Technology: this committee oversees all the technology utilized throughout the church service and in the church buildings. It is also is responsible for the Christ Hamilton website and Facebook page.
Worship & Music: oversees the planning of the worship services, choirs and special events focused around music.